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Recent content by Bobaloo

  1. B

    ZA3 as mono amp for center speaker?

    In mono mode you only use the right channel input.
  2. B

    Monos sound better hot??

    So without the fans, do the amps sound weak until they warm up?
  3. B

    Classic Form Streamer with Interface

    A classic form component (19 in with wood case and VU meters) networkable streamer with a built-in USB interface that would fit into a classic stereo system in the place of a tape deck (plugging in to a receiver/preamp tape loop). This would have a built in streamer OR could be used as a USB...
  4. B

    Monos sound better hot??

    Do the fans share the amp's power supply?
  5. B

    Amplifier ZA3

    Sorry to wake the dead here.... So what you're saying is... If I plug a 12 volt DC power supply into the switched AC plug on the back of my Denon preamp and connect it to the 12 volt trigger input on my ZA3s, the power amps will power up when I turn on the preamp? And power down when I shut it...