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Amplifier My v3 mono has no sound on one side after 2 days of receiving it


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My v3 mono has no sound from one side after 2 days of receiving it.

The pre-ordered amplifier arrived and worked fine for 2 days.

But a few days ago, one of the speakers stopped working.

One side of the mono amp smells like burning chemicals, but the power comes on.
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This just happened to me. I got the amps on 9/20, set everything up, and had a great listening session of about 3 hrs.
I was truly impressed! And now they're both dead.

I went into the living room the morning of 9/21 and noticed some awful digital sounding noise coming from the speakers sort of like an old cell phone near a pair of speakers - if you can remember that - but fuzzier. I cycled power to no avail so I left both amps off. Now this evening one is totally dead and the other will not output audio except for the noise I mentioned earlier.
I can't say I noticed a burning smell with mine but the auto-off signal sensing feature never seemed to function.

I contacted support today and am waiting to hear what they say. My opinion of Fosi has been very positive based on reviews and their community involvement and I hope the coming experience with their support team will enhance that feeling rather than ruin it.
Same thing here. One of my V3 Mono worked only for 1 day. When I turned it on the next day, it was deadline.
I have the same problem.
Today a parcel arrived with 2 Fosi V3 mono. I connected everything correctly. After a few hours of listening to the speaker I heard a crack and the sound disappeared.
Swapping the cables and power supplies did not help. One amplifier plays, in the other only the indicator lights and there is silence.
I am very disappointed with the quality of this device.
Bon dia, a mi m'ha passat dos cops, a finals de setembre un dels dos monoblocks emitia so a un volum notablement mes baix que l'altre, Fosi molt amablement va susbtituïr els dos monoblock i ahir un dels dos aparentment funciona correctament però no emet cap so...i el diumenge faig estar fent sessió d'escolta d'uns 45 minuts sense cap problema..el que m'inquieta és la inversió que he fet en oamp Muse i Sparko, que si aixó segueix així serà 300/400€ tirats a la brossa..
I also have got this issue - one of my two V3 monos has suddenly stopped working at all. It still recieves power and audibly switches between RCA/XLR etc. but won't output any sound. It seemed to be different to the other as it cut out a few times previous to this, and would occasionally turn on when in standby even with absolutely no input signal going into it.

Not too impressed with the quality control so far. I've emailed Fosi support so hopefully they'll get back to me with a replacement or refund option.
I have 1 mono broken down after almost 2 months of everyday use. After a startup, the block was still "cold", I heard a noticeable click and no more sound. The other one works fine. After contacting they promised to send me a new soundboard, so I can swap the defective one with the new one.

I would like to know if using cooling fans, like the ones Fosi sells here, will enhance the lifespan of the monos? Has anyone tried using fans?
I use the Fosi USB cooling, which does work in cooling, but may have a defective unit as well.
So the fans didn't prevent a breakdown of a block?
I just received the replacement board and a set of fans. The fans do a pretty good job. The blocks seem to hold a steady 30°C.