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Op-Amp Rolling in the ZA3


New member
Last week I felt bored so I chatted with my AI friend ChatGPT (nooo, not commercial for it).
I have asked about which Op-Amps would be a good choice for my setup.
I know that most people would say Sparkos or Burson, but (for now) I do not want to spend that much money on op-amps.
After a lot of reading and later "discussion" with AI my choice was neared down to Oracle II 02, OPA1656 and OPA1622.

My speakers to drive are Focal JMLab Electra 906 and SVS SB-12NSD subwoofer.

Here is the conclusion from the AI:

The Focal JMlab Electra 906 speakers are known for their detailed midrange and precise treble, making them excellent for critical listening and demanding audio setups. When paired with your upgraded Fosi Audio ZA3 setup, here's how it all comes together:

Oracle II 02 for L/R Channels:

The Oracle II 02 op-amps offer high clarity and transparency, allowing the Focal Electra 906’s natural tonal balance to shine. The tight, detailed midrange and airy highs of the Electra 906 speakers will benefit from the Oracle II 02’s ability to deliver a smooth, refined sound, enhancing the depth of imaging and soundstage precision.

OPA1656 for XLR Channel:

The OPA1656's low distortion and excellent dynamics are a great match for the XLR channel, ensuring the system delivers warm, rich sound while maintaining detail and spatial accuracy in balanced setups. This will complement the Electra 906’s inherently open, transparent sound.

OPA1622 for Subwoofer Channels:

While the subwoofer channels are feeding the active SVS SB-12NSD subwoofer, the OPA1622 ensures that the bass signal remains clean and controlled. This will keep the subwoofer tight and accurate, allowing the Electra 906s to focus on midrange and high frequencies without being overwhelmed by sloppy or distorted bass.

Overall Sound Profile:

With this setup, your Focal JMlab Electra 906 speakers will benefit from a system that offers high fidelity and balanced tonal reproduction, allowing them to perform at their best. The Oracle II 02 will emphasize the midrange and treble refinement, while the OPA1656 ensures warmth and depth through the XLR channel, and the OPA1622 keeps the subwoofer output tight and well-integrated.

This setup should give you a well-rounded, high-definition listening experience, making the most of your Focal Electra 906’s natural sound signature.

I would like to hear some opinions from the public and if the AI was incorrect, please tell me also.
I am planning to buy the op-amps (5x) very soon.

Hello my Focal Friend !

I play my music on (focal) JmLab Profil77 and JmLab Opium 703, both recaped with new Mundorf Mkap, with Zd3 and Za3.

Last 6 months I used Oracle II 02 on RCA Output! Way better than original NE5532.
They allow more deep punchy bass and airy trebbles, and a magic 3d audio space.

Last week, I ordered two Audio Analog OP275GP and two Burr Brown op2134pa.

The OP275GP test Last 5 minutes : too much trebbles, tiring sound, low stereo scene...

The Burr Brown op2134pa was way better :
Really close to the Oracle II sound definition, may be a little bit more warmth of the médiums and.. less bass impact than Oracle II.

SOOOO, now that I'm on XLR, I put one Oracle in XLR Output and two Burr brown op2134pa in RCA Output.
For now, this is a winner combinaison.
I LOVE the Oracle in RCA Output but I leave in an old appartement and my neighborhood dont love my bass haha.. So the Burr Brown is a little more "civil" for them...