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Amplifier ZA3


New member
Sadly I have felt it necessary to cancel my "early bird" order of two ZA3's because, with this implimentation of the on/off function [press and hold for two seconds], I cannot now use my voice activated smart plugboard to remotely turn the ZA3 on and off [as I can with my V3].
Can I then suggest that with the next iteration of the ZA3 you also include [perhaps on the rear] a physical toggle switch with which to turn the ZA3 on and off. This would then allow for the afore mentioned remote operation via a smart plugboard.

Keep up the great work and keep on listening.
Many thanks.
Sadly I have felt it necessary to cancel my "early bird" order of two ZA3's because, with this implimentation of the on/off function [press and hold for two seconds], I cannot now use my voice activated smart plugboard to remotely turn the ZA3 on and off [as I can with my V3].
Can I then suggest that with the next iteration of the ZA3 you also include [perhaps on the rear] a physical toggle switch with which to turn the ZA3 on and off. This would then allow for the afore mentioned remote operation via a smart plugboard.

Keep up the great work and keep on listening.
Many thanks.
Can't you use the 12v trigger interface for power on?
Can't you use the 12v trigger interface for power on?
Unfortunately, I have nothing anywhere in my audio chain to trigger the 12v interfaces [one on each ZA3] with. Looking online the only devices that seem up to the job are the Emotiva units. But the import taxes etc would, no doubt, be prohibitive.
Fosi will have to make a pre-amp with a 12v trigger then ;)
Perhaps not!
After a little research - and now that I know what an amplifier trigger is and does - I have found a way to make my trusty smart plugboard work for me. I plug my 2x ZA3's into the [four socket] board then I plug 2x12v psu's into the remaining two sockets and connect these to the trigger input of the amps. Thus, when I voice activate the system, power is delivered to the amps, the triggers go to 12 volts [turning the amps on] and once more the dulcet tones of Jakub Zytecki issue forth!

Actually, there is also a slight variation on the above.
The 2x 12 volt psu's could be substituted with a single 2x usb power adaptor into which could be plugged 2x USB to dc [5v to 12v] cables.
This might be a more elegant method.

Of course, whichever method is used, one should be careful to use the correct polarity for the 3.5mm jack plugs [tip is positive seems to be the standard] And psu's or USB's [and cable converters] that can deliver/handle say 1amp would be a good safety measure.

I am awaiting delivery of my pair of ZA3's so I cannot yet vouch for the effectiveness of any of this.

I invite comments.
Hello @PhilKersh
I think the solution you have determined is very correct.
Fortunately we have many options today than we did a few years ago for all these small setups.
I have something similar to activate the cooling system from the home cinema.
Using a 12v to 220v trigger.
You may only need a 12v trigger to activate the two ZA3

Hello @PhilKersh
I think the solution you have determined is very correct.
Fortunately we have many options today than we did a few years ago for all these small setups.
I have something similar to activate the cooling system from the home cinema.
Using a 12v to 220v trigger.
You may only need a 12v trigger to activate the two ZA3

View attachment 46
Hi Joqueval,
I am at the stage now where I have ordered the parts needed:

2x12v 2amp mains transformers [2 amps to ensure that they run cold].
2x3.5mm mono jack plugs [to replace the power plugs on the transformer outputs].

So now I cannot do any more until the ZA3's arrive.
But I appreciate your words of encouragement and advice.

Sorry to wake the dead here.... So what you're saying is... If I plug a 12 volt DC power supply into the switched AC plug on the back of my Denon preamp and connect it to the 12 volt trigger input on my ZA3s, the power amps will power up when I turn on the preamp? And power down when I shut it off?