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Co-Create Crossover for Bass Management (LPF & HPF)


New member
The Idea
A device or added feature for Low Pass to a subwoofer and High Pass to the main speakers.

The Existing Problem
Surprisingly, this feature is almost completely missing in the stereo hi-fi world. Surround sound AVRs will have this feature but are bulky and often don't perform very well. In my years of searching I have only come across four preamplifiers within a reasonable price range that include this feature: Emotiva USP-1, Emotiva XSP-1, Parasound P5 and Parasound P6. There are a few significantly more expensive from the likes of Classe and Anthem but they are pushing $4,000 USD.

I have found numerous standalone analog active crossovers but again they are very expensive. For example:
  • Marchand Electronics ($700-$2,200 USD)
  • JL Audio CR-1 ($3,500 USD)
  • SPL Audio Crossover ($3,400 USD)
  • Pure Audio Project PAP-C1 ($1,550)
  • Sublime Acoustics K321 ($599.95)
These prices range from too expensive to insane for a relatively simple circuit and there simply are not many options out there.

The Solution
  • Subwoofer crossover device
    • balanced and single ended
    • swappable crossover resistor network cards (for changing the crossover point at a later time)
    • swappable op-amps
    • EQ Controls
    • Integrate into existing preamp/integrated amp effects loops
The Fosi version would be significantly cheaper, have swappable op-amps (because why not?), could allow for fun features like VU meters or EQ control, could act as an effect loop to be used with existing stereos.

This device or features could (and should) be integrated into every preamp and DAC. Even a fixed crossover point would be an improvement as long as it includes a High Pass Filter

Why should Fosi Make This?
  1. There doesn't seem to be an affordable product in this category yet.
  2. Can be used with any DAC
  3. Can be used with any Preamp
  4. Can be used with any Power Amp
  5. Can be used in addition to room correction software
  6. Allows for Bi-and Tri-amping speakers which would be much more attainable using something like V3 Monos.
    1. Could lead to increased sales of amplifiers
    2. Another item to swap op-amps in/out of.
  7. Create a new category of accessories to sell
    1. The item itself as an upgrade/system accessory
    2. Crossover network cards. Each card defines the crossover state, is very cheap to manufacture, and provides high crossover accuracy.
  8. Cheaply and easily increases hifi system performance by allowing the main speakers to focus on what they do best (hint: its not bass)
  9. Integrate a subwoofer into nearly any system
This product would appeal to more than just the budget audiophile community and could easily be integrated into existing systems provided its performance is quite good.

Thatโ€™s certainly true for new units that will have the feature built in but I think there are still reasons to have a standalone.

For example for use with vintage gear or other brands that havenโ€™t implemented this feature. There are also plenty of high end or mid-fi integrateds(with fx loops) and preamps that donโ€™t have this feature.
Another would be a cheap and effective way to experiment with bi-amping speakers and tweaking the crossover points.
As a recent entrant into the DIY speaker world this could also be quite useful.

Many speakers Iโ€™ve owned have had the capability to be bi-amped and Iโ€™ve never taken advantage of it! I would need a nice Fosi Audio XO3 for that. ;)